Graduated Learning: Life after College

Personal Finance, Parenting, and a dash of Science

About Me October 9, 2007

I’m an MIT alum, living and working in the greater Boston area. I started reading personal finance blogs starting in 2007 because I realized I still had a lot to learn. I’ve read a few books about personal finance, and more websites that I can count. I’m trying to balance having an emergency fund, 401(k), Roth IRA, and student loans while still enjoying the life of a young Boston-area professional.

Want to know more about me?  Just ask!  email me at

Want to find me elsewhere on the web?  In order of how active I am on these sites:

Twitter:  @stephtheblogger
Pinterest:  StephPinsThings
Facebook:   GraduatedLearningBlog

p.s.  I’m always curious about how people find my blog…so please leave a comment letting me know what sort of information you were looking for, or what directed you to my blog.  You can comment here or on the specific post.  Also let me know if you found the information you were looking for here.  Or if my posts are lacking information, or contain wrong information.  I’m always looking to improve, and want my site to be useful and helpful!


35 Responses to “About Me”

  1. Rose Says:

    Hi, I’m a physics italian student’s and I’ve just found your blog searching with google “Karl Iagnemma”. I’m reading his book “On nature of homan romantic interaction” (the italian translation) and I’m founding it enjoyable. It’s not every day you hear of a research scientist who also writes fiction…
    You have an interesting blog!

    Greetings from Italy



  2. Jeri Dansky Says:

    I found your blog when you left a comment on mine!


  3. Susan Says:

    I found your blog searching for contact information for Kelly of El Gato Negro in San Juan del Sur. I’ve been to Nica three times and giving serious thought to living there.


  4. hoosteen Says:


    I actually found your blog after googling “novel after college.” I’m finishing school in 2 weeks and was looking for something to read that might speak to me. This’ll do, I think!


  5. Sherry Says:

    It’s been over a year since I left school and it’s been hard adjusting to the “real world.” I stumbled across your blog randomly and have to say it’s very interesting. I look forward to the next entry.


  6. Katelyn Says:

    I found your blog when you left me the website. I think I am going to rejoin the blogging community. Thanks, Steph!


  7. GG Says:

    Hi! I found your blog through Forest on Finance and have added you to my reader. I love PF-blogging, and I really love Boston.

    Excited to have found ya!


  8. I found this blog at


  9. brittany Says:

    Hi, I found this blog because I typed in “laid off finance.” I’m writing a story about a new trend of younger people being laid off just as easily as more senior-level employees. If you fit this category (It looks like you have a recent post about being laid off, though I can’t tell at what level you would have been) feel free to email me if you’d like to chat. thx!


  10. Dan Says:

    I found your blog after googling “life after college”, and I think it’s great! You should check out my blog –


  11. CB Says:

    Hi! I stumbled onto your PF blog and enjoy what you have to say! I also used to live in Boston, so I like hearing about your local experiences 😉 After regularly reading your blog and others’, I’ve decided that I feel left out, so I’ve started my own ( It might take me a little while to get up and running, but do you mind if I share a link to your blog?

    Happy blogging!


  12. I launched a challenge marketing program called “What are you saving for?” at my credit union earlier this year. Accordingly, I set up google reader to alert me each time that phrase is used in a blog post.

    Glad that process has led me to your blog, I have enjoyed what I have read.


  13. KJ Says:

    I found your blog searching for info on the NutriSum program that my employer is offering.

    Great blog! Keep up the good work


  14. Michael Tim Says:

    I love your site! 🙂

    Experiencing a slow PC recently? Fix it now!


  15. Hey I just found your blog from Twitter and I love it. I’ll add you to my site and look forward to reading more about your adventures in Boston!


  16. Sarah M Says:

    Hi! I found your blog when I was doing some research on employee health programs. I was interested in the post you wrote when your company offered (and you tried) NutriSum. I’m curious as to if you’ve stuck with it since January and whether or not it has been helpful. I coordinate wellness programs for a Trust fund in Western Washington.


  17. Olu Says:

    I actually found your blog a while ago when one of the websites ranked personal finance bloggers on twitter. Can’t even remember now cos it was about 1 month ago.
    Keep up the good work.


  18. I found your site after going through WiseBread’s list of personal finance blogs by women. I decided to go through the list to find which one’s were still active so I could post the active list on my site. Great site. Keep up the excellent work!


  19. I found your blog on My Pretty Pennies blogroll


  20. Alex Says:

    Hi! I found your blog through Wisebread. Keep up the great work!


  21. Was reading “QuarterLife Finances” blog and liked the title of yours, so I clicked on it! Went to the “About Me” first and now I’m going to move on to your posts!


  22. Hi! I really enjoy your blog (and the layout is great!), especially since I’m in a similar stage of life. I found your blog from a comment you left at Staking Pennies. I look forward to reading more of your posts 🙂


  23. Hey there! stumbled upon your blog via Twitter. I just started blogging about personal finance on Jan.1, and it’s great to see such an awesome blog written by a fellow Beaver/Engineer (can never keep track of which one is “official”). Anyways, I’m checking the subscribe button and can’t wait for more! 😀


  24. Will Says:

    Was reading a finance article and stumbled onto your site. Noticed your post about your layoff back in 2008, hope its old news and you have since found a new job.


  25. Sofia Says:

    I follow you on twitter which I believe I got through perusing through personal finance blogs that I often do myself.. (@sofiadurrani) and saw a link to your blog via your twitter profile.


  26. Sam Baker Says:

    I found you through a comment on my site! Nice blog!


  27. Twitter suggested that I follow you! I already follow a zillion PF bloggers so it was the science that sealed the deal 🙂


  28. Sandy Chen Says:

    Hi there,

    I found your blog through the Stacking Pennies blog. I love your posts! You have some really great information. The only thing is, I wish there was some sort of Beginner’s Guide to navigate your blog. You have so many posts filled with great information, but I have no idea where to begin! I’d love to see a page summarizing a step-by-step personal finance plan directing us to your crucial posts along the way. I don’t know if this makes sense. I recently re-did my blog’s About page, and it includes a Reader’s Guide. Yours would probably be a lot more structured with steps, but feel free to stop by and see what I mean. Regardless, I love your blog and will definitely be following. These are just my two cents as a reader trying to get the most I can from your awesome posts! 🙂

    20something vs. World


  29. Vanessa Pagé Says:

    I’ve been tweeting with you for ages but just got around to putting your blog in my reader. :$ Bad Vanessa.


  30. Anonymous Says:

    I was looking tor holiday spending and your blog was one of the top 10 searches that showed up. Nice blog!


  31. jvo_barretto Says:

    I found your blog on Twitter actually! I just started my Twitter account. I alsoo recently started a blog called where I just write (sometimes vent) about all the random strange things I see / experience in life – at work and personal. I’m a 20-something (late 20s now) as well, who graduated, got a job, now in her career, and …. wondering the same thing as you (now what?). That’s why I like your blog, the whole concept of it. Anyways, check me out when you can. I’ll be reading your blog regularly! 🙂


  32. You commented on one of my client’s Twitter accounts (the culinary college).


  33. Harish Says:

    I found your blog through an other blog which I found through personal finance stack exchange.


  34. Jcha Says:

    I found your Twitter first and then your blog! I was looking for other materials science / materials engineers on Twitter and other networks when I found you. I followed your Twitter which led me to your blog


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